This post concludes this short tutorial series by exploring the options that mixin templates can provide us.
The code we create in this post won’t be very practical (quite the opposite), however it will show you more magical non-sense that can be achieved with D, and can serve as a basis for your future code. :)
mixin template
?mixin template
mixin template
functionmixin template
?A mixin template
is a way to create a block of code that we can then “copy & paste” into
other pieces of code. It can be used as a way to automate the generation of boilerplate code, since the full
features of D (especially static if
and string mixins) are available for it to use.
In the context of our serialiser, we could create a mixin template
to automatically generate the static deserialise
that our deserialiser has support for (created in post 3).
For reasons I’ll make clear shortly, the function we’re generating will only support classes, so let’s go ahead and make one for us to play with!
class PersonClass{ private { string name; int age; PersonType type; }
this() { }
this(string name, int age, PersonType type) { = name; this.age = age; this.type = type; }
override string toString() { import std.format : format; return "I am %s, I am %s years old, and I'm a %s.".format(, this.age, this.type); }}
mixin template
The most basic form of a mixin template
is really simple. Take note that this one is named AutoStaticDeserialise
, as this is
essentially the purpose of this mixin template
// You can define template parameters in the parenthesis, just like you would for a templated function.mixin template AutoStaticDeserialise(){}
To make use of our mixin, we simply have to add the following line into our PersonClass
class PersonClass{ mixin AutoStaticDeserialise;
// omitted...}
And now once we’ve added some code into the mixin template
, it’ll start having an effect on our PersonClass
mixin template
An interesting, and very useful property of mixin template
is that, as stated before, the code inside it is functionally
“copy & pasted” into its location.
Let me show you how we can test this:
mixin template AutoStaticDeserialise(){ private alias ThisType = typeof(this);
pragma(msg, ThisType);}
class PersonClass{ mixin AutoStaticDeserialise;
private { string name; // omitted... } // omitted...}
/* Output: PersonClass*/
To explain - since the code has been ‘pasted’ into PersonClass
, the expression typeof(this)
evaluates to the type
that has used our mixin, which is PersonClass
in this case.
A more important point is, this means we can even access private members of the type the template is being mixed in to. Take notice
that PersonClass
has some private variables, and I’m sure you can see where this is going.
The deserialise
function we’re generating isn’t actually all that important for the purpose of this post. This post is simply to teach
about mixin template
, so we’re going to generate a rather useless deserialise
function just so we have something there at all.
Therefor, our deserialise
function will only work for classes, and will require a default constructor in order to function, so let’s
add in a few static asserts
to enforce this behaviour:
mixin template AutoStaticDeserialise(){ private alias ThisType = typeof(this); static assert(is(ThisType == class), "This mixin only works with classes."); static assert(HasDefaultCtor!ThisType, "This function relies on the class having a default constructor.");}
functionI’m not going to waste much time explaining this code, as it is quite literally a very gutted version of the struct/class deserialisation branch that we’ve already created in our deserialiser.
The main thing to note is that we can directly modify the private variables of the class due to the “copy & paste” property of mixin templates.
mixin template AutoStaticDeserialise(){ private alias ThisType = typeof(this); static assert(is(ThisType == class), "This mixin only works with classes."); static assert(HasDefaultCtor!ThisType, "This function relies on the class having a default constructor.");
public static ThisType deserialise(JSONValue json) { if(json.type == JSONType.null_) { return null; }
auto instance = new ThisType();
static foreach(member; ThisType.tupleof) {{ alias MemberType = typeof(member); const MemberName = __traits(identifier, member);
MemberType memberValue = json[MemberName].deserialise!MemberType(); mixin("instance." ~ MemberName ~ " = memberValue;"); }}
return instance; }}
If we now make use of our deserialiser, it should end up calling our automatically generated deserialise
// main(){ import std.stdio : writeln;
auto person = new PersonClass("Bradley", 21, PersonType.Student); writeln(deserialise!PersonClass(parseJSON(`{ "name": "Bradley", "age": 21, "type": "Student" }`)));}
/* Output: I am Bradley, I am 21 years old, and I'm a Student.*/
Even if this post was quite short and basic, it covers one of the last core features of D’s metaprogramming features. The only other core feature I haven’t covered are eponymous templates, as I couldn’t think of a way to fit them into the context of this serialiser.
Anyway, I hope the knowledge (and awful writing style!) of this tutorial series will have helped bootstrap your knowledge of D’s metaprogramming, aiding you in any future endevors.
If you’ve enjoyed this series, please share it around to whomever you may think will be interested.
If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to either directly propose changes using the “Improve on Github” button below; open an issue on Github, or even just email me. I’m open to changes and criticism.
Thank you.