Group: Intro to D metaprogramming - Creating a JSON serialiser

Serialising arrays

Note that in the previous post, the Person struct was converted into a class for testing purposes. From this point on Person is a struct again unless specified otherwise.

One of the final things missing before our serialiser can reach a “minimalistic but useable” state is the ability to serialise both dynamic and associative arrays. Static arrays are saved as an excercise for this post.

I’ve already covered the majority of the main metaprogramming features that’ll be used in this post, and arrays are relatively simple to serialise, so this post will be on the shorter end.


Serialising dynamic arrays

As usual, here’s our current serialise function for reference:

JSONValue serialise(T)(T value)
static if(isPrimitiveType!T)
{ /* omitted for brevity */ }
else static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
{ /**/ }

For dynamic arrays we need to iterate over the array’s elements; serialise them, and then append the serialised value into a JSON array.

There’s not too much to explain about to code, so I’ll quickly highlight two things:

JSONValue serialise(T)(T value)
static if(isPrimitiveType!T)
{ /* omitted for brevity */ }
else static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isDynamicArray!T)
JSONValue toReturn = parseJSON("[]");
foreach(element; value)
toReturn.array ~= serialise(element);
return toReturn;
{ /**/ }

Do note that string in D is actually just an immutable(char)[], which would satisfy the std.json#isDynamicArray template.

This isn’t so much an issue in our case due to the fact we handle string higher up in the if-else chain, but it’s something worth keeping in mind.

Also, there’s actually two other string types in D, wstring and dstring. While up to this point I’ve tried to pretend they don’t exist this series still won’t be going over using them due to various reasons (such as std.json#JSONValue not supporting them).

In regards to that issue it may be wise to combine std.json#isDynamicArray with a check to make sure the type isn’t a wstring or dstring, depending on your circumstances.

Other than that, there’s not really any other surprises in this code that haven’t been seen before - unless you’re using a super large dataset that causes a bunch of recursive calls that is… so onto deserialising!

Deserialising dynamic arrays


T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json)
static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == string))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == bool))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isSigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isUnsigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
{ /**/ }

Again, there’s nothing overly new or complicated about the deserialisation code except for one thing: std.range#ElementType is used to get the type of data stored in the array. Make sure to import std.range; somewhere.

T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json)
static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == string))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == bool))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isSigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isUnsigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isDynamicArray!T)
T toReturn;
alias ElementT = ElementType!T; // E.g. If `T` were `int[]`, then this would be `int`.
foreach(element; json.array)
toReturn ~= deserialise!ElementT(element);
return toReturn;
{ /**/ }

As another side note about strings, since they’re kind of annoying, ElementType will always return dchar if used on any kind of string. However ElementEncodingType will properly return char, wchar, and dchar for their respective string types.

Finally, let’s give it a test:

void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;
auto json = ["a", "b", "c"].serialise();
["a", "b", "c"]

Serialising and deserialising associative arrays (abbreviated as ‘AA’)

As a common theme with this post there’s nothing new to explain for AAs, so here’s a quick list of noteworthy templates that we’re going to use:


JSONValue serialise(T)(T value)
static if(isPrimitiveType!T)
{ /* omitted for brevity */ }
else static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isDynamicArray!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isAssociativeArray!T)
JSONValue toReturn;
alias KeyT = KeyType!T; // E.g. For bool[string] this would evaluate to `string`
static assert(is(KeyT == string), "Only string keys are supported, not: " ~ KeyT.stringof);
foreach(key, element; value)
toReturn[key] = serialise(element);
return toReturn;
{ /**/ }


T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json)
static if(is(T == enum))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == string))
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == bool))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isSigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isUnsigned!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
{ /**/ }
else static if(isDynamicArray!T)
{ /**/ }
else static if(isAssociativeArray!T)
T toReturn;
alias KeyT = KeyType!T; // bool[string] -> string
alias ValueT = ValueType!T; // bool[string] -> bool
static assert(is(KeyT == string), "Only string keys are supported, not: " ~ KeyT.stringof);
foreach(key, element; json.object)
toReturn[key] = deserialise!ValueT(element);
return toReturn;
{ /**/ }

And of course we should probably test these additions.


void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;
auto json =
"bradley": Person("Bradley", 20, PersonType.Student),
"andy": Person("Andy", 100, PersonType.Staff)
["andy":Person("Andy", 100, Staff), "bradley":Person("Bradley", 20, Student)]


This post was a bit short and sweet. There weren’t really any new features to explain, mostly just new templates such as std.json#isDynamicArray.

While this post may have been a bit boring, hopefully the next post, where we explore the use of UDAs (User Defined Attributes) to allow deeper customisation of how things are serialised, will be more interesting.


Add support for static arrays

The main two things you’ll need for this are:

Something to consider is, what if during deserialisation you find that the JSON data has either too many or too little values for the array?

For the purposes of this excercise (you may want to do something different for real-world usage):

And finally, here’s a test case:

void main()
import std.format : format;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
string[2] people;
JSONValue json;
// Serialise
people = ["Bradley", "Andy"];
json = people.serialise();
assert(json[0].str == "Bradley", "Got: " ~ json[0].str);
assert(json[1].str == "Andy", "Got: " ~ json[1].str);
// Deserialise (exact amount of values wanted)
people = json.deserialise!(string[2]);
assert(people == ["Bradley", "Andy"], format("Got: %s", people));
// Deserialise (too many values, so exception should be thrown)
json = parseJSON(`["Bradley", "Andy", "Kaiya"]`);
assertThrown(json.deserialise!(string[2]), "No exception was thrown");
// Deserialise (not enough values, so empty spaces should be `string.init`)
json = parseJSON(`["Bradley"]`);
people = json.deserialise!(string[2]);
assert(people == ["Bradley", string.init], format("Got: %s", people));
Group: Intro to D metaprogramming - Creating a JSON serialiser