Side note: In true D fashion, is broken with no sign of it being fixed (in terms of creating links), so from this point on I’ll be using
In this post we’ll cover how to serialise classes and enums, both of which have certain considerations to go over.
The first thing to consider with enums is whether to serialise them via their names
(e.g. PersonType.Student
would become “Student”), or to serialise them
via their values.
There are pros and cons to both, mostly revolving around enums that are used as bit flags, but for now we’re going to serialise them by names and later on provide a way to use either names or values.
We’re going to need an enum to work with so let’s create a PersonType
for our Person
struct from our previous code:
enum PersonType{ Unknown, Student, Staff}
struct Person{ string name; int age; PersonType type;}
There is one fairly important yet easy to solve issue with enums - they count as both an enum and their value type.
For example, take our newly made PersonType
enum. It is just a
bog standard enum where the value type is an int
(by default).
The PersonType
enum, due to having a value type of int
, will actually
pass a check such as is(PersonType == int)
and isNumeric!PersonType
Needless to say this is a bit of a roadblock due to our decision to serialise by name instead of value.
Fortunately, this issue is actually super easy to work around. Via is(T == enum)
we can create
code that works/doesn’t work specifically for enums.
For reference, here’s the shortened code for the serialise function:
enum isPrimitiveType(T) = isNumeric!T || is(T == bool) || is(T == string);
JSONValue serialise(T)(T value){ static if(isPrimitiveType!T) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == struct)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else { /* omitted for brevity */ }}
There are two options for us to take here:
Modify isPrimitiveType
so that it ignores enums, then handle enums later on in the function.
Handle enums inside the function before handling primitive types, so enums have a higher ‘priority’.
We will in fact be doing both: option #1 for the serialise
function, and then option #2 for the
function. This is to demonstrate both options.
To start, we can use !is(T == enum)
with isPrimitiveType
so that it will ignore enums:
// isPrimitiveType(T) = !is(T == enum) && (isNumeric!T || is(T == bool) || is(T == string));
Next we need to add a static if
so we can handle enums, and then turn the enum
value into its name with the help of the ever-so-useful std.conv#to function:
JSONValue serialise(T)(T value){ static if(isPrimitiveType!T) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == enum)) { return JSONValue(!string()); // PersonType.Student -> "Student", PersonType.Staff -> "Staff", etc. } else static if(is(T == struct)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else { /* omitted for brevity */ }}
Note that if you do something weird such as cast(PersonType)400
, then
will actually return "cast(PersonType)400"
, which
will cause errors down the line.
For reference, here’s the shortened code for the deserialise function:
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == string)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == bool)) { /**/ } else static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { /**/ } else static if(isSigned!T) { /**/ } else static if(isUnsigned!T) { /**/ } else static if(is(T == struct)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }}
As I mentioned before, the deserialise
function is going to handle
enums before any other type, so that the enum path takes priority over the others.
Yet again, our lord and savior std.conv#to comes to our rescue as it can convert a string into an enum as long as the string has the same name as one of the enum values:
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { // "Student" -> PersonType.Student, etc. return!T(); } else static if(is(T == string)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == bool)) { /**/ } else static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { /**/ } else static if(isSigned!T) { /**/ } else static if(isUnsigned!T) { /**/ } else static if(is(T == struct)) { /**/ } else { /**/ }}
Finally, as usual, we’ll give things a quick test:
// main(){ import std.stdio : writeln;
auto json = serialise(PersonType.Student); writeln(json); writeln(json.deserialise!PersonType());
json = serialise(Person("Bradley", 20, PersonType.Student)); writeln(json); writeln(json.deserialise!Person());
/* Output: "Student" Student {"age":20,"name":"Bradley","type":"Student"} Person("Bradley", 20, Student) */}
Serialising classes is where a lot of the more important decisions come into play, because structs and classes are very different from one another.
For example, while we could just treat classes like they’re structs, that will only support a very tiny amount of classes because:
Classes can be null.
Classes may not have a reliable way to construct them (more on that later in the post).
Classes tend to not expose variables directly, but via getters, setters, and other functions.
And many other reasons…
This post will provide a way to handle some of these issues, but in a real project you may need to fine tune how the serialiser works for your own needs as my solutions are going to be relatively basic and therefore, not as robust as they could be.
Before we can start taking on some of the other issues we need to treat the most basic case of simply being able to serialise and deserialise a class’ public variables, and then build off of that.
For now we’ll assume that all classes passed to the serialise function are not-null.
So for serialisation we can very simply just modify the static if
that checks
for a struct, and extend it to also check for a class:
JSONValue serialise(T)(T value){ static if(isPrimitiveType!T) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == enum)) { /**/ } else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) // <----- { /**/ } else { /**/ }}
This will work for extremely simple classes, e.g. if you were to change Person
to a class it should be able to serialise a non-null instance of it perfectly fine.
For the deserialise function our biggest hurdle is constructing a new instance of the class
so we can populate its fields. For now, our code will just assume that there is a default constructor
(e.g. new MyClass()
works). Also keep in mind that static if
does not create a scope:
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } /**/ else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) // Remember to check for a class here as well. { static if(is(T == class)) { T toReturn = new T(); } else { T toReturn; // Classes default to `null`, so we can't just reuse this line with them. }
static foreach(member; T.tupleof) {{ /**/ }}
return toReturn; } else { /**/ }}
As a quick example, change/copy Person
to a class, and then we can
test if it works:
// main(){ import std.stdio : writeln, writefln;
// The compiler doesn't generate a helper constructor like with structs, // so we'll do things like this for now. auto p = new Person(); = "Bradley"; p.age = 20; p.type = PersonType.Student;
auto json = p.serialise(); writeln(json);
// writeln can't automatically format a class like with structs. // So either override the `toString` function in a class, or just manually write out the fields. writefln("Person(%s, %s, %s)",, p.age, p.type);
/* Output: {"age":20,"name":"Bradley","type":"Student"} Person(Bradley, 20, Student) */}
Realistically, being able to handle null classes is a mandatory requirement, so let’s get that out of the way quickly.
For serialising we can check if the class is null, and if it is then we can return a JSONValue(null)
JSONValue serialise(T)(T value){ static if(isPrimitiveType!T) { /* omitted for brevity */ } else static if(is(T == enum)) { /**/ } else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) { JSONValue toReturn;
static if(is(T == class)) { if(value is null) { return JSONValue(null); } }
static foreach(member; T.tupleof) {{ /**/ }}
return toReturn; } else { /**/ }}
Now if we were to pass a null class instance to the serialise
it would output a null
in JSON.
For our deserialise
function it’s a very similar process - check if
the given JSON value is null, and if it is then return null:
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } /**/ else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) // Remember to check for a class here as well. { static if(is(T == class)) { if(json.type == JSONType.null_) return null;
T toReturn = new T(); } else { T toReturn; }
return toReturn; } else { /**/ }}
Very simple and very easy to handle, unlike the can of worms we’re about to open regarding construction of a class.
But before we fall into despair over constructing classes, here’s a quick test of the null
handling (change Person
to a class):
// main(){ import std.stdio : writeln;
Person p = null; auto json = p.serialise();
writeln(json); writeln(json.deserialise!Person());
/* Output: null null */}
Currently, we use the code new T()
to construct a new instance of a class.
This will only work if the class has either no constructors, or a default constructor.
Again, realistically, classes are very likely to have parameterised constructors and are likely incapable of supporting a default constructor.
Just as a note, this only applies to deserialisation as serialising does not require the construction of objects (well, unless you want it to).
There are many ways you may want to handle this, such as using std.traits#Parameters to check and recognise constructors with certain parameter patterns, having a pre-defined list of constructor parameters that you support, or just not allowing classes that do not contain a default constructor.
In our case we’re going to disallow the use of classes that do not contain a default constructor. Fret not though, as we will be exploring one potential workaround soon.
But for now we’re going to be creating ourselves a helper template called HasDefaultCtor
and we’ll use that in our deserialise
function to check if it returns false
One way we can do this is to check if the exact code of new T()
can compile,
which we can achieve via another magical form of __traits()
By passing in some code as a parameter the compiler will determine if the code will
compile or not, and return a bool
as the result.
Please note that there is a certain annoyance to __traits(compiles)
when the code
you’re checking contains a template function, but such quirk is beyond this quick explanation of it.
Anyway, by telling the compiler to check if new T()
works for a given type
we can effectively check if the type has a default constructor, and then from there
we can use a static assert
to display a message to the user:
enum HasDefaultCtor(T) = __traits(compiles, new T());
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } /**/ else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) { static if(is(T == class)) { static assert(HasDefaultCtor!T, "The class `" ~ T.stringof ~ "` requires a default constructor.");
/**/ } else { / **/ }
return toReturn; } else { /**/ }}
Here is an example of the error message:
class NoDefaultCtor{ this(string str){}}
void main(){ deserialise!NoDefaultCtor(JSONValue());
/* Output: .\temp.d(27): Error: static assert: "The class `NoDefaultCtor` requires a default constructor." .\temp.d(10): instantiated from here: `deserialise!(NoDefaultCtor)` */}
This isn’t overly ideal for many reasons but thankfully as we explore the workaround we’ll implement something that handles this issue to a somewhat reasonable degree.
I’ll be brief. I’ve already gone over the constructor issue; and because classes usually don’t expose variables directly our current behaviour won’t work for most of them.
Regarding the latter issue, there are several ways to handle the issue ranging from directly
inspecting the names of functions for keywords (e.g. starting with “get” or “set”), looking for
getters/setters that use the @property
attribute, and any other ways suitable
for your use cases.
The solution I will be going for is to add support for classes and structs to provide a static
function. This will serve as a workaround for the constructor issue as this
is essentially just a special constructor, and will also outsource the task of handling deserialisation
to the class itself, which technically handles the issue of classes not generally exposing variables.
A downside of course is that there’s more code to be written for classes to support deserialisation, and therefore more technical debt over the long term.
While you could also just specifically check for a constructor that takes a JSONValue
I prefer to create specific functions for things like this as I don’t like
that it’ll limit classes from providing a this(JSONValue)
constructor for other
The first thing we’ll do is create another helper template (similar to HasDefaultCtor
that will check for the special deserialise
This template needs to check for:
A static function called deserialise
The function’s return value is the same/compatible type as the class.
The function takes a JSONValue
as the first parameter.
There are a few ways to do this, however we’ll be using the trusty __traits(compiles)
enum HasStaticDeserialiseFunc(T) = __traits(compiles, { T obj = T.deserialise(JSONValue()); });
Notice that the code we’re checking is now inside brackets, since we’re doing more than a basic function call.
We’re using T.deserialise
to specifically check for a static function
(or anything that has the same syntax as a static function); we assign the return value
to a T obj
to check that the return value is compatible with whatever T
then finally we also check that a JSONValue
can be passed as the first parameter.
Next, in the deserialise
function, we want to update the static assert
that requires classes to have a default constructor to check if the class has either
a default constructor, or a static deserialise function.
We also need to hide the T toReturn = new T()
line behind
the HasDefaultCtor
enum HasStaticDeserialiseFunc(T) = __traits(compiles, { T obj = T.deserialise(JSONValue()); });
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } /**/ else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) { static if(is(T == class)) { static assert(HasDefaultCtor!T || HasStaticDeserialiseFunc!T, "The class `" ~ T.stringof ~ "` requires a default constructor or a function matching " ~"`static " ~ T.stringof ~ " deserialise(JSONValue)`" ); // e.g. "The class Person requires a default constructor or a function matching `static Person deserialise(JSONValue)`"
static if(HasDefaultCtor!T) { T toReturn = new T(); } } /**/
return toReturn; } else { /**/ }}
Now, if the class has a static deserialise function then we want to use that function
for deserialisation instead of our other logic. We still want to handle null std.json#JSONValue:JSONValues,
and we want to disable our other logic as we won’t need it due to another issue of having
code exist beyond a return
To do this we just need to tactically employ static if
enum HasStaticDeserialiseFunc(T) = __traits(compiles, { T obj = T.deserialise(JSONValue()); });
T deserialise(T)(JSONValue json){ static if(is(T == enum)) { /* omitted for brevity */ } /**/ else static if(is(T == struct) || is(T == class)) { static if(is(T == class)) { /* null is still handled here */ } else { /**/ }
static if(HasStaticDeserialiseFunc!T) { return T.deserialise(json); } else // If we don't disable this other code, then we'll get a "statement not reachable" error. { static foreach(/**/) {{ /**/ }} return toReturn; } } else { /**/ }}
To finish off, let’s give it a test:
class Person{ private { string name; int age; PersonType type; }
// No default ctor. this(string name, int age, PersonType type) { = name; this.age = age; this.type = type; }
static Person deserialise(JSONValue value) { // Classes having to implement this logic themselves is a neccessary burden if you // were to go this route... or is it *wink* (this is a topic for a future post) return new Person( value["name"].deserialise!string(), value["age"].deserialise!int(), value["type"].deserialise!PersonType() ); }
// So that writeln can show us something useful. override string toString() { import std.format : format;
return format("Person(%s, %s, %s)",, this.age, this.type); }}
void main(){ import std.stdio : writeln;
auto person = new Person("Bradley", 20, PersonType.Student); auto json = person.serialise();
person = json.deserialise!Person(); writeln(person);
/* Output: {"age":20,"name":"Bradley","type":"Student"} Person(Bradley, 20, Student) */}
Our serialiser can now serialise enums by name and has some dodgey support for serialising classes, meaning it’s starting to shape up to be at least kind of useable. Maybe. If you’re desperate.
The next thing we’ll look into is to serialise arrays and associative arrays.
This might be something I end up doing in a future post, but for now this is a
good excercise to practice using __traits(compiles)
Basically, allow classes and structs to provide a custom serialise
For the test case to work, the serialise function must match the signature of: JSONValue serialise()
And here’s the test case:
struct VerySimpleTest{ string lalafell;
JSONValue serialise() { JSONValue json;
json["lalafell"] = this.lalafell; json["hidden_secret"] = "Don't be a lalafell please.";
return json; }}
void main(){ auto json = serialise(VerySimpleTest("Zuzu")); assert(json["lalafell"].str == "Zuzu"); assert(json["hidden_secret"].str == "Don't be a lalafell please.");}